Ana Mikadze-Kazaryan

 b*2002  (they)

 Artist, Researcher 

based in Tbilisi, Georgia / Vienna, Austria.

Articulating the interactions between the individual, society, accelerating technology and the economy. 

Running a queer publishing “Xaraxura Press” with my friends in Tbilisi, Georgia. 


2023 - Diploma Die Angewandte, AT
2023 EU Social Initiatives Training
2023 World Craft Council EU Training
2020 - 2023  BA Design Academy Eindhoven, NL

Awards / Scholarships

2024 NEU Commission, Salwa Foundation,Page Not Found, NL
2023 International Summer Academy of Fine Arts, AT
2022 Peter Mönnig Foundation, GR
2020 The Holland Scholarship, NL

Selected Exhibitions

2023  Temple of The Sun at CAS Batumi, GE
2023  Solo Show_Potluck01
2023  Kunsthalle Exnergasse, AT
2022 Ana Mikadze Solo Show, GE
2022 Technogeographies: Energy, NL
2022 Collaborative Solutions: Tourism, NL

Publications / Press

2023 Der Standard, AT
2023 TV1 Interview, GE
2023 Falter Die Wochenzeitung, AT
2023 Queer Types for Queer Art Spaces Vienna, AT
2022 Studio Offshore ‘Energy Atlas’ NL
2022 Queer Types, NL
2021 Doe Normaal: Queering the City, NL


2023 International Summer Academy Salzburg, AT
2023 Decolonising knowledge forum WISG, GE

Full  portfolio / CV upon request

for any inquiries please reach out to